Wednesday 28 March 2012

Carlos Gardel & Argentine funerals & mausoleums

Here are some pages of Argentine weekly 'ANTENA' about Carlos Gardel and his death, funeral (1936) and grave (1937).  

top photo on the right shows Carlos Gardel's Mother. 

El Mausoleo de Gardel - Gardel's Mausoleum unveiling a year after his tragic death. source: Antena, a weekly Argentine magazine.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Musical people's wakes

Antônio Maria Filho despede-se de seu pai Antônio Maria, falecido em 15 Outubro 1964. O ataúde seguiu para a catacumba no. 66 do Cemitério São João Baptista no Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro.